The Secrets of Magic & Illusion
video reveals the secrets of magic and illusion.
Price: $17.99
Amazing Secrets of Card Magic
Secrets of Card Magic" video filled a much
needed gap in magic instruction. Many card magic
books and videos assume the student already knows
the "basics" - when in fact, many do
not. This video was designed to not only cover
all the basics of card tricks/ card magic, but
also excite and inspire! Many great card tricks
are taught that do not require
"knuckle-busting" sleight-of-hand. Any
ordinary deck of cards will do.
Price: $19.95
Anytime, Anyplace Magic!
This video will give
you a bag full of tricks to perform on a moments
notice with everyday objects. Highly recommended
for any magician, beginner or advanced.
Price: $19.95
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Amazing Magic:Tricks You Can Do
video for teaching younger children about magic.
Price: $14.07
Amazing Magic
video is for people who are beginning magic
enthusiasts, or perhaps just want to learn a bit
of sleight-of-hand to entertain the church youth
group with. Starring Bob Mcallister.
Price: $11.99